as expected USA gonna lose but i was hoping for the team to at least score a goal... defense memang loose giller ah. lots of mistakes from the USA side. looks like there's no underdog this time around. saya memang suka sokong team kalah. sebab tuh tak nak betting. hehe... I say it's Brazil, France & erm, now i'm not too sure about s.korea and togo. i've watched s.korea play but never togo before but i say winning is on the togo's side this time. Sigh... i don't have the chance to watch the before 12's game because the non-football fan in my house will turn to other channel. it's brazil vs croatia and i'm going to watch it at mamak's stall somewhere. kedai makcik jual nasik lemak yg tgk bola pun jadilah. honestly, at this time, i don't know what time is the game. haven't sort that out properly just yet. mana aku letak last friday's punyer Star sport paper?
what can i say about the 3am games? sigh... tunggu punyer tunggu... watching the game and by far, at most, after 10 minutes, i will doze off on the sofa. and i don't watch replays. Sigh... and i say it again. it's no fun watching World Cup alone...
what can i say about the 3am games? sigh... tunggu punyer tunggu... watching the game and by far, at most, after 10 minutes, i will doze off on the sofa. and i don't watch replays. Sigh... and i say it again. it's no fun watching World Cup alone...
i haven't decide on which team to support yet... no pressure anyway
Reviewed by princessren
June 13, 2006
hihiii.....tgk la ngan kekawan...mcm aku nie ker..hahaaaa
ehhhh....ooo..dlm bilik takder astro aaaa....emmmm.........free tv takder aaa...emm....hihih..dun worry..tapi kan...world cup tahun nie tak meriah sangat kan...rasa lain kan...emmmm..atau i jer rasa mcm tu kot..hahaa..
Zzzzz.....mengantuk dan lalok..hahaha
2-1 for S. Korea vs. Togo...
3-0 for brazil vs. croatia (this one is just a prediction)
Sigh.. so excited now! Waiting for the brazilan match!
arief : yeah WC tahun nih mcm tak meraih sgt laaa. tak tau kenapa rasa camtuh.. sigh..
Dangerous Variable : hahaaha u were right on s.korea and togo.. too bet u;re not betting hehe...
dsaint : hmm.. that's not a bad ieda. tapi dari aku belanja duit hotel, baik duduk kedai mamak.. hahah... nanti kang dlm bilik hotel ramai2 tuh, tak tertgk WC. hehe nahas...
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