Sigh.. with translation. hehe.. ada orang tak faham :
selamat hari gawai dayak. hope that u're happy on this blessed day. don't drink too much until u're drunk. take care, okay. If u have the time, visit me :D and also wishing Selamat Hari Kaamatan to all the Kadazan Dusun in Sabah. Kotobian Tadau Tagazo Do Kaamatan... i don't know what this is, took it from the net :D
Update : stupid fucking hell. i may not go back for gawai this year. @#$@*^&@*$@... don't ask why. i'm not in the mood to talk about anything right now : (
Slamat Onu Gawai
Reviewed by princessren
May 30, 2006
tak faham..aaa..sorry..takleh nak komen aaa...hahaa...
when is Gawai la?
arief : hehe dah buta pun translation :D
fadzli : gawai falls on 1 june... i tak jadi balik. celebrate dgn my kucing jer lah this yr :(
selamat selamat..
selamat hari gawai bersama kucin tersayang
oi mary, selamat gawai. have a great one!
happy gawai day. anyway i think chicks who swear now and then are a spunky lot. it's natural to swear ma.... suppress too much not healthy. hehehe
bola2api : tq tq
dsaint : hehe no open hse this yr. me alone maaa. how to celebrate.. nxt yr lah u come to my hse in sarawak ;D
gravt kills : thank you for the wishes :D
agus : i know u're in miri rite now.. how many bottle of tuaks hv u drank? hehe. nway enjoy ur holiday pal...
carbo man : oops sorry. tgh tension maaa. i don swear a lot actually.. when i'm angry only .. hehe. nway congrats on ur 2nd carbo kid :D
mary - ko biar betul tak balik?? jgn maraaaah.....rumah aunt u ok ke celebration?? yang jat cheras ek?
hucs : mmg betul i tak balik :( my aunt's hse as usual laaa... tak lah meriah sgt. yup yg kat cheras tuh. sekejap jer mlm tuh i balik rumah and layan bola sampai pagi.. bosan nak mampos my wknd... sigh...
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