what ur face say about u? try it out for fun at faceanalyzer. Try out for Ren and Princess but the darn thing is error proof. hehe... and if you see me logging in YM a bit later in the afternoon, you should know why, right??? nolah... i have to wake up for my morning run as well. got a race end of the week... it's gonna be a fabulous week :D my team is playing tonight and people are laughing when they say i'm supporting ... hehe. watch the game tonight (midnight) and u should know which team i meant. England, sigh main macam budak kecik laaa... aper laaa.. hehe. jgn marah yek England supporter. seriously, main macam tuh, they'll never get to the final, unless if pure luck is on their side lah... it's no fun watching the cup alone. adrian (my bro), please come back from the holiday soon... see the world cup schedule here. 1 month of world cup yo. sigh.. very sleepy right now...

Berlalu, sejati, irama syahdu...
Reviewed by princessren
June 12, 2006
hahahaa.....best juga aaaa....
nanti i try aaaa....
nie mesti nak test muka punya value...aa...face value orang panggil aaaa...
u notice..aa..biler muker letih keputusan analyse dier kureng skit kalau muker u ceria dier higher lagik..kan..yer ler..siaper nak tgk muker masam aje kan....
so senyum banyak yer....
arief : engko pun notice yek. hehehe.. sajer je nak testing. ko test laaa nanti ko letak kat blog tau... i dah buat muka macam2 dah, ada yg cannot go thru.. hehe...
arief : itu muka letih baru bangun, tertidur atas sofa. hehe... habis lah 1 bulan buat kerja camnih. tak produktif lah nampak nyer bulan nih. hehe...
wah, it even works on cats!
I will fetch Elmo!
robin : hahahahha... it doesn't work for cats or any other animals at all. works for human face only. hehehehe...
experimenting with locality, sign up but put the country as namibia...see if i turned out to be black.
dsaint : org buat kerja laaa. hehe
stupe : hahaha yeah experimenting with that too.. but i think the results all based on your face lah.. not based on the country. hehe..
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