plenty of games today. as usual i'm wishing for MU and Chelsea losing the game. nasib baik tomorrow's game is at 12. Otherwise, takleh nak tgk sebab my family sure nak tengok the Anugerah Juara Lagu on TV3. big phew... main dekat Stamford Bridge, chelsea punyer tempat, sure is stressful for the team. tapi no worries. u guys can do it. YNWA. my prediction is 2 - 1, with of course, the kop winning the game. sapa score? mana-mana lah. hehe... hope no more mistakes from our team this time.
Liverpool vs Chelsea tomorrow!!!
Reviewed by princessren
February 04, 2006
Liverpool 2 - Chelsea 0 , why ? because Tiger won the Dubai Classic a few hurs ago and I knew Liverpool might just get that aura to win it this time.
hey! i hope liverpool win. im gonna go watch it now!!!
errrr some 10 facts u dont know abt today game (some previleges donning chelsea colours):
1. u can pull yr opponent down without being penalised
2. u are allowed to provoke players so that they will react and get sacked
3. robben thinks he being rob but he does rotten
4. handling other players are makele meleleh expertise
5. scream like hell when some red players snuggle to u as if u r hit by a lorry
6. have tons of money and buys glory
7. make more trip to russia
8. gallas ...
9. they celebrate like they won european cup ... but they did not
10.they wont be euro champs , coz if liverpool dont won it , barcelona will crush them to pieces
hahaha... one more fact.. duff only at pitch must not more then 10 minutes than must substitute with Gudjonsen or Gud what ever
FUCK CHELSEA!!! blue is definitely not my fav color and now i'm dead sleepy. can't even do works. really in bad mood today. Sigh!!!
relax la mary..hahaa
dah la...
panas ooo sekarang..
mcm terbakar...ooo...
hahaa..take care..
donno why
but now if I see Man U win, i dont mind that much
sometime enjoy see them win
maybe pasal their not on top anymore kot?
anywayz... chizzz
tewas lagi kita :(
Dan chizzz kali 999
RObben mada puka!!!
PS:- Hehehe. ko dah buang itu word verfikasi ek mery :)
hi anne ... i nanti i ada time i update blog.. takde internet connection lg .. bnyk mat saleh hensem2 you..nanti i snap pics 4 u..
ayu ... jgn lupa yek. u dah promise kat sini. nanti i singgah melbourne jgn lupa introduce yek. hehe...
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