End of the month, i'm feeling really crabby at the moment. Been calling airasia since this morning, and all the operators seem to be really busy. Eh, forget that i ever promote the 2,000,000 seats to you guys ok. Yesterday, i manage to get them, and they say something about system failure at Maybank, resulting in failure of transferring the information back to Airasia. So following their advise, i faxed the printed proof of purchase and i have to call them back again. Memang shit betullah. that was what i've been doing the whole morning. and when i did, yesterday late evening, the girl told me to leave my hp number. Today, i didn't receive any email or a call from them. what else can i do? maybe i should ask ET to do something about it since she met the boss somewhere before this. Sigh... and the money has been deducted from my account too.

Reviewed by princessren
December 21, 2005
Before apa-apa...kau tak bole balik..baik kau book MAS dulu.....
sekarang susah mau book seat .
gud luck dudegirl.
Hopefully sempat la hang balik kg before christmas kang tak pasai pasai celebrate christmas dekat KL plak or paling sadis dekat Office. hahahah
aramak, met the boss like daysss ago, too late to complain la dude, sorry...
whtever it is, make sure u complain, scream and shout all u want, with airasia, problem will forever persists, but we will all endure it as airasia is CHEAP, and we r all cheapskates :D
But remember to complain and make sure no loss in incured, me had problems in july, money refunded only last month, crazy, eh? but it is ok now, i got my money back (albeit monthsss of paying a few cents of interests, nak kira gakk!)
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