Arsene's boys are doing well recently, and so are our boys. Some of them are injured, so are ours... so it's fair... so, consider it as the battle of the fittest this later morning... God, give me the strength to wake up at 3am or stay up until 4.30 at least.... LOL.
bangun...jgn x bangun!!!
hey fonzz.. hehe... mesti bgn punyer lah.. lawan ur team this morning.. LOL. takut pun ada jugak :P
crazy...lazy defender. skit gik mauk menang...kesian my boy arshavin, scored byk pun still draw!
fonzzz : hehe... takperlah. i know that arsenal wont give it easily to us.. thats a good fight.. next season ur team wud be the tam to watch out ;D
argh!!! Our boys did well... then tetiba Manure boys did bettah!
uwaaaa!!! 5-2 dia bantai Spurs :( With Spurs leading 1/2 way thru!!!!
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