If you feel that it's a start to change the world, there's no harm in supporting it by switching off the light for just 1 hour. This is a start and to those who think it's a publicity stunt, just shut the f**k up! Besides, the greatest ignorance is to reject something you know nothing about...
When the Lights go down in the City...
Reviewed by princessren
March 27, 2009

yalah hoh...no harm switching off the lights for an hour...will do it 2morrow.
fonsusz : am glad that u join the boat :) besides lots of things can be done in the dark wat... no harm done :)
miaomiao : yeah... its the same when u wear pink ribbon to support breast cancer or the red ribbon for the AIDS awareness... this is switching off ur light for 1 hour in support of Global Warming.
i and wife oso makan dalam gelap semalam :D but i see that most people in my taman macam tak kisah je :(
I think this might be mentality of our people. always think that they dont need to do, and why begin doing when in the end, people stop doing it anywayz....
tapi takpe. at least I joined :D cheerios!
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