Well, u know what? I'm really a kampung girl at heart. As country as you can get. The only thing why i never miss going back for Christmas or Gawai, other than family of course, is the food. How can i resist that. Some cannot be found here at all. Was browsing through my friend's blog (http://sumukeyes.blogspot.com/)... when i found out that she also have another blog : http://huntersfood.blogspot.com/ ... check out the recipes in there.
Check out our unique sambal from Sarawak. Different from it's sister in Semenanjung, more of everything : belacan (shrimp paste), anchovies and chilies [real hot 1s }:)]. When i was a kid, i usually put this in my pajamas pocket and eat it while sleeping... LOL.

The fish with terung dayak soup. What is terung (eggplant) dayak u might ask? It's a round eggplant, bright yellow in color. Its sour sweet taste makes lots of really nice dishes. You may wonder why u've never seen this around here - it can be found only in Sarawak. Not sure about Sabah tho...

Pucuk ubi (tapioca leaves). Also cannot be found anywhere in semenanjung. They normally cook it with santan here. In sarawak, we grind it to small pieces and either cook it with sambal and lemon grass. My mama normally cook it with cucumber leaves...
Food is equivalent to porn, nutritionally speaking...
Reviewed by princessren
February 06, 2009
sup ayam tempoyak!!!yuckksss...sedap ke tu
hahahhaa.. belum cuba belum tau laaa... sama laa mcm i first time dtg KL dulu... i tot evrything sucks until i try em...
sedap lah sup tempoyak.. i notice korang je tak byk mempelbagaikan penggunaan tempoyak dlm mkn kat sini :)
letak sambal belacan dlm poket? extreme nyer you ni..
hi sumuk. mmg okuk extreme.. hahaha.. inohleh sobab every time okuk parik kupuo my family moh sidia pinguman favourite kuk di mija.. heheehhee.. i just love kpg food...
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