taken at 6.15pm after a heavy downpour. glad that it rained though. hope no more haze after this. i'm starting to feel a bit of sore throat and coughing. arrggghhh... my lung begging for cleaner air. SIGH!!!
Mami hamster with her new borns ...

and this is the daddy (Mr. Johnny Jr). Sigh horny giller dia nih. I saw him disturbing the mother yesterday. looks like i need to buy a new cage just for the male. now i have 3 adults and 5 baby hamsters

swimming with my bro and cousins last weekend

shopping with my mum and siblings. i'm always the 1 with the cart

i love this thing (pork mince meat ~ non-halal). already put it in the cart when my sis said something about it's manufactured in china, chemical this and that. my mum freaked out and made me promise not to eat it anymore. Sigh...

best nyer family datang melawat ..wonder when mine pulak nak datang sini..
dsaint : actually, i've become great great grandmother. mr johnny jr is the son of mr johnny which is the son of mr big... sigh susah lah i nak explain. i've so many hamsters i lose count. hehe...
ayut : mmg best kalu family dtg melawat. feels like there is something to look forward to in life :D
yup..yup..family matters....emm...
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