Things that i bought from the jumble sales. All this cost me RM32 (11 books, 1 bandage, whiskas coaster) Didn't i tell you that it's really cheap? well, there'll be another sales at the end of this year (they only have it twice a year. yeah i know. why 2 times only? not enough volunteers, i guess).
Streamyx sucks. Been trying to upload all the pictures but had to settle with 2 pics. Sigh. The videos jangan haraplah. And thanks for the advise on the gastric thingy. You were all right. It must be the stress factor. And i don't know what i ate on Monday night that i had food poisoning the next day. Just what i need when i have lots of works to do. Had fever on Monday night and then start vomitting at 3am, plus the diarrhea, headache, stomach ache, exteme cold and sometimes extreme heat. and i missed the Fort Minor concert. BAGERO!!! Et had to go alone. kesian dia. today need to get the energy back. been drinking lots of the 'oral rehydration salts' and 100 plus. and i'm still having diarrhea (the pill that i ate for stopping diarrhea does not work). now i need to walk back home slowly.
argh.. tension tension tension tak dapat pegi jumble sales...
tak kisah pon ann,
normally. we'd get separated anyways, abis concert baru get together balik..
all in all, i still had lots of fun..
emmm....how are u?
fine now....?
kau sudah ok ka Mary
Anywayz, those items you got them for a damn cheap price!!!
Dia orang tade jual kucing ke :)
ajeep : there'll be next time. no worries...
sumpit : glad that u had fun. i'll try not to eat anything stupid before concert day the next time. Sigh!!!
arief : still not ok. it feels like thre's war in my stomach.. muaaaaa.. tension camni.
pyan : heheh.. kat SPCA bukan istilah jual mamat. it's adoption. mmg ada masa tuh u can also adopt cats... nih nak upload video nih sampai sekarang tak berjaya. sigh.... nanti bila berjaya i upload it on this blog okay ;)
ok my dear khairul Mary binti Jaapar
I will await the videossssss
Adiosss :)
too bad we don't have this jumble/garage sale culture in m'sia... last Sat i bought this very good condition Laura Ashley bedsheet and quilt cover for a mere dollar.. gila or wat...diorang ni tak sayang brg betul..
ayu : believe it or not, we actually have a flea market here in cheras, right opposite the Jaya Jusco Maluri, something like a jumble sales as well. tapi yang sedihnyer, so called flea market jer tapi the price is not cheap at all. wah, i shopping dgn u lah biller i sampai ostolia yeah...
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