heard from the radio that it's women's day today and because of that, women won't get any fine for any road offences (just for today). Not sure this is true or not....
A great woman, Dana Reeve, wife of late actor Christopher Reeve, passed away today because of lung cancer. May her soul rest in peace.
I saw Wan Norazlin at KLCC last Saturday. Wanted to take picture with her and post it here tapi takut kene penampar. hehe... anyway, she looks prettier and happier. Looks like the gossip that she went overseas and have plastic surgery are not true after all. been telling some of my friends and the first thing they say is "izit the porn star?"... sigh. kesian dia. better known as that than a fine actress. well, wishing her well in whatever she's doing now.
today's game is liv vs benfica at 3.30am. sigh, wish i can watch the yesterday's game (barca vs chelsea). i slept from 9 to 12 and tried to stay up for the games tapi tertidur at 3am. According to john, it was a very interesting game. So, sekarang menyesal giller tak tengok. today i try plak sleep at 12 and wake up at 4am. must watch this morning's game.
i dah bosan and i do not know what to blog about anymore... kerja banyak. 2 projects will be due next week. finish reading 4 books in 1 week (i can't sleep) and my mum is coming next week :D

Happy Women's Day
Reviewed by princessren
March 08, 2006
oh ... happy women day. malam ni mesti liverpool menang 3 - 0. tak caya tgk lah malam nie.
wan norazlin..aaa...oo....have watch that movie..hahhaaa....mula-mula i tak tahu la..ini siapa..couple nie..hahaa..then...ooo....kawan beritahu...hahaa..
so...homevideo now dun buat la....lain la kalau memang nak publish...hhaaaaaa....
heheh..welcome to the club!
golf addix : sedih lah.. biasa lah liverpool. i mmg dah predicted that we gonna lose based on how they play in the previous games. so sad that it's true.
dsaint : heheh mana ada firework laaa... i wonder if there is Man's Day. Anyway, Wan Norazlin look smuch better now. Fairer. maybe balik dari oversea kot.
arief : hahaha u saw the video? ada jugak org kat sini mengaku hehe...
stupedix : LOL... hehe. i prefer the one with lots of controversies lah.
but after seeing her in eprson as opposed to see her in *action*...it is pretty different eh?
stupe : after seeing her in person, i keep on thinking about her yanno. erm not in sexual waylah. just curious what's doing now... still looking sexy though.. honestly, not much differencelah. hehe...
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