Looking at the TV Guide in theStar today, i noticed someone in TV3 must've love that movie, Notting Hill. Including this 1 tonight, they have played it 4 times. And when i'm back home, i will not be able to see the Sarawak Tribune on the news stand anymore. Honestly, i will miss them. oh, i tried the 'Ahem' thingy at the mamak's stall just now. looks like it works only in Indonesia. If you do not know what i'm talking about, read it all here. :D and i have no comment on Liverpool losing to Charlton... looking forward to the game against Wigan this Saturday and Arsenal on Tuesday.
the love in my life...
Reviewed by princessren
February 10, 2006
Princess must be your favourite. She's adorable.
horny nyer muka
nice red bra
if they have it at KLIA or KL Sentral , I guess many will be quite suprised being offered such.
tonite Wigan. cannot predict anymore. if anyone use my prediction I m sure sure kalah big time punya.
go to sleep early , sunday early morning travelling to KL and breakfast at kl sentral...
ellooo where is your spam protector ?
red red bra.... (sung to the tune of ub40's red red wine)
Agus : yeah. Princess is definitely my favourite. I love fat, lazy cat.
wawa : ceh... cakap org dia sendiri pun sama gak.
golf addix : have a nice trip yo. yeah i also cannot predict anymore. if we lose to wigan and arsenal definitely tottenham dah naik atas kita dah. sigh.. apa jadi pun i tak faham. Stevie G is not playing tomorrow nite rite?
oh i remove the spam protector because it's easier for my readers here and the spammers dah tak kacau dah.
ajeep : erm ajeep. it's not red laaa.. hehe.
ya ..la..mana ade red...
aku tgk 100 kali nak kaji....tapi mcm tak nampak aper2 pon..hahaaa..
okies..take care.
comelnyer princess ko...
arief : haiyak. boleh tak concentrate on tha cat and not something else. shish..
konot : hehe. memang. manja kededek plak tuh. Manja yg mengada-ngada tuh. cair hati aku tgk...
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