Your Deadly Sins |
Greed: 80% |
Gluttony: 60% |
Lust: 60% |
Sloth: 60% |
Pride: 40% |
Wrath: 40% |
Envy: 20% |
Chance You'll Go to Hell: 51% |
You will die love and feared by many. And you'll be buried in a tomb. |

if sin is wrong, why does it feels good? so what if i'm feeling a lil' bit vain today. hah chelsea and barcelona knock themselves silly for scoring own goals. both team. what a laughing stock.
Father, i have sin...
Reviewed by princessren
February 23, 2006
hua hua hua! You did make it sound wierd oh dsaint.
Anywayz... Vanity... if just a little vanity exists... tak la sin aku rasa :)
But if the vanity is taken overboard... can be deadly sin. Cuz when u jalan depan building... yang ada reflective glass as walls... you will look into them all de time. Not knowing you oredi walk onto jalan raya.
U die get knocked down by car :)
Deadly Sin
PS:- Aaaaaaaaaaaaaa... WORD VERIFICATION again!!! That is a sin. kekekekeke
by de way
smile la Mary
baru aa cun skett :D
dsaint : hahah. that doesn't sound ok, all right. heh. different angle, different looks i guess... hmm. that doesn't sound all right too... arrggh .. need to clear my mind this weekend.
pyan : vanity cud be a deadly sin. i get ur point there. hehe... i din smile coz i tgh tension lah mamat. ah, need to activate the word verification coz spammers masuk balik laaa... nothing much i can do about it...
wat is troubling u ?
u seem lost.
hahaaa...okies...take care...
by d way..nice paint of d office wall.....ciau...
waahhh macam supermodel siot pose mautzzzz.... hahahha
arief : tension tgh byk kerja. :D we paint the wall dlm masa satu ari jer. maroon, and blue...
sad : hahahha. buat malu jer. peh...
pyan : aper yg asia nyer mamat?
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