I still can't get over with the disturbing , sickening and depressing video of dogs and cats killed for fur in China. Found it at a site somewhere. It was perhaps the most nightmarish thing I've ever seen. This intrigued me to search for more information. Hence, PETA came in mind.
So the next time you buy anything with fur (keychain, clothes, shoes, etc) for a souvenir or gifts, think again. Does not matter where you buy it, UK, US, even in Malaysia. They might come from the skin of the dogs and cats in China. Remember, the killing stops when the buying stops!!!Skinned Alive
When the fur is finally peeled off over the animals' heads, their naked, bloody bodies are thrown onto a pile of those who have gone before them. Some are still alive, breathing in ragged gasps and blinking slowly. Some of the animals' hearts are still beating five to 10 minutes after they are skinned. One investigator recorded a skinned raccoon dog (the above picture) on the heap of carcasses who had enough strength to lift his bloodied head and stare into the camera. :: more info here ::
A message to JLo, Paris Hilton and all those who wear fur. Shame on you!!!
Reviewed by princessren
January 10, 2006
Yup memang sickening pon kalau dulu zaman purba consider ok la nak pakai fur tapi sekarang ni kan dah ada cotton and so on still nak jugak fur, people I don't get it.
Stupid, we are already have plenty of choices for apparel materials, why animal's fur? Give me a reason...
no fur for me too ...
Very cruel! Skinned alive! Heads bashed with blunt objects. Damn the killers! I don't even want to watch the videos. Reading about them is already too sickening!
Like sharks and their fins for soup. Merciless and brutal killings must stop! I bet those who buy fur already know how they get it. They just couldn't be bothered to think about the consequences of their purchase.
All for showing off!
fur.....emmm......cow....leather..oohh..okies...fur...yup....fur..wat for la...
but dun be a hypcrite..dah..as for me alergik la..tapi..bole afford ...emmmmm..tak payah la....design fur pon bukan cantik hahaaaa.....
lagi pon .......nak cari bisnes ngan bunuh binatang sampai mcm tu sekali....tak payah la.....
will haunt u when u wan 2 die....rasa guilty kepada diri sendiri.
lagipon they are a beautiful creature..takder salah aper pon kat manusia...dun la...kalau ade rasa guilty...la...kalau nak layan sendiri..emm..fikirla sendiri...
i wish them gruesome death, and may they rot in hell
this is sick... Sigh, may they rest in peace. China, not as good as it seems... this video is gonna glue in my brain for at least the next 24 hours... sick sick.
sad : yeah i don't get it too.. the richer they are, the more dumber they can get.
gazard : maybe they were pigs in their past life. i can't think of any other reasons. Sigh...
ayu : good for ya. nasib baik takdek tudung fur yek? hehe
agus : i do understand if u cannot watch the video till the end. it's so devastating. oh and talking about the shark fin? i stop eating that long time ago. maybe there also should be 'when the eating stops, the killing stops'.
arief : it will surely haunt them. definitely...
ajeep : i wish the same too...
kampungkai : gosh i saw the video last month just right before christmas. found it somewhere. believe it or not, it had been glued to my mind ever since. that's why i put the video here. so people can see what really happened there in China...
why not just use human hair if want to use fur sangat2
I think Eron got lots :)
PS:- Mary, buang aa word verification tu. aku rasa sekarnag spammers dah tak datang dah kot. malas aa nak isi everytime. kekekekekeke
PPS:- kalau ramai sangat spammers datang, idopkan aaa balik :P
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