going into the 2nd week of the year. last night, staring at my alarm clock, realized that every seconds struck means money, life, success, failure, love, meeting new friends, etc... looking at the new calendar, looking at my birthday and then the december's page. sigh.. so soon. it's going to be the end of the year again. the zzzzzzzsss that i didn't get enough of last month was all replaced by the last night's sleep (slept from 8.30pm to 9.45am). this morning feeling fresh, looking forward to the new year, FINALLY. i'm ready for the beautiful life. yeaaayyyy!!! 

do you know there are many cute guys at the airport? i'm just saying. hehe... looks like i'm going to the airport a lot this year.
Fly me to the moon
Reviewed by princessren
January 08, 2006
I'm surprised you didn't sleep through noon, oh wait, that's me!
Let's all have the good life.
i know! i know!!!! hahaha.....
tht's another reason y i love going to the airport!
surprise huh? paling lama pun 10am. guess that i have to be more discipline nowadays. last time when i freelanced, the latest i woke up was at 6pm... record paling lama is 26 hrs...
hehe sumpit. i know u love going there ;)
You deserve to sleep more than that but don't make it as a habit bad for your brain hahahaha.
Cute guys at the airport becareful appearance can be deceiving takut gay je hahahahha.
yeah i know sad. karat giller lah my barin last time. now a bit sharper. hehe..
gay? erm i may know 1 when i see em. but then again maybe u were right. looks can be deceiving. but then no harm looking at cute guys, right?
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