now, why i chose to watch this movie, u might ask? well, i grew up in that era and masa tuh, i tak pernah miss tengok Muzik-muzik kat tv3 with my grandma. Who can forget rock bands such as Search, Wings, May, XPDC and Lefthanded? heck, i still listen to them every now and then. nak menyingkap nolstalgia kononnyer. zaman dulu, sometimes, me and my siblings akan ikut macam those bands. My brother will be the lead singer as usual... memilih diri sendiri. me and my sis will the guitarist, and my lil' bro will be the drummer. so ikut lah those rock bands on tv. did the head banging, me with my long hair and all.. heheh.. kelakarlah. apsal takdek band camtuh dah sekarang nih.. sigh.
okay back to the movie. as expected, like all Khalid's movie, yang ini memang kelakar. memang betul-betul ikut zaman tuh punyer situation. for example like the tempat jamming. hehe.. to sound proof the room, dia guna bekas tempat telur. same like my place back home. and ada battle of the band which my brother selalu masuk tapi tak pernah menang menang jugak. hehe... and the script memang class. hahaks.. ada 1 scene tuh, the band is waiting for another member sebab dah nak masuk competition. so sorang member nih cakap, "ada 2 bende jer yang merosakkan bangsa melayu kita nih. Satu, tak menepati masa. Dua, rasuah". hehe, kelakar. script, pelakon sumernyer selamba. and the final touch to the movie is the song Tiada lagi kidungmu by Lefthanded. Cool...
Rock steady...
Reviewed by princessren
December 17, 2005
Best ke Rock tu ek?
The last citer Melayu that got good reviews was Sepet. Tapi bila aku nengok... Ok la. But not worth cinema-ing :)
Best betui ke ni? :)
tq tq
hehe.. taklah best sgt. tapi boleh ditontonlah... kelakar pun mmg kelakar jugak. to me it's worth watching laaa...
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