i love that tree, a lot. selalu lepak bawah pokok tuh every evening, reading, sleeping or daydreaming. sedap giller. really peaceful. and besides, my papa planted that tree. i'll called my mum later just to remind her again.
Don't do anything until...
Reviewed by princessren
December 14, 2005
I love the tree and you too Mary
ceh.. hang nih. habaq dgn wife hang baru tau. :P
hahaaa....ha...mcm nie la..baru ade gambar...emm..next after..christmas aaaa.....gambar aaa...dah janji tau..hahaa..okies..
take care...
i just watched d video....sick basta** la...diorang...
ade banyak cara lain nak korek duit....emmm..memang sedih...jual ayam la....
ayam fur.
Hey princess, I got an idea. Don't do anything with the growing roots. If they happen to cross underneath the road, they'll create a natural bump, your own hump at home. Then, all you have to do is cover the cracks. You wouldn't want those cracks to expose and spoil your hump would you? So what if the roots cross diagonally. I've seen cars maneuver humps that way, the so called sporty lowered ones.
mat datuk
buleh buat bumper tuhs
Princess or Orange, I oso have sentimental value about some trees at my old housing area. Kecik2 main kat atas pokok2 tu
but now nengok2 dahan dah kena potong sana sini.
Sedih juga :(
Sang Jawa
deorg potong nak buat pokok xmas kot
arief : oklah, after christmas
agus : natural bump.. no, we do not need the bump. thre's no school ahed... just my houselah
anonymous aka Jawa : i love all the trees.. ada pokok yg i dgn ET suka bergayut kat PPP pun kene tebang. hampeh...
kaki bangku : weh kita org malaysia tak tebang pokok jadi xmas tree lah.. that is the english's traditions. kita kat sini pakai pokok plastic jer.. hehe
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