Well, you see, i really wanted to win that living room set, so badly. I wanted the tv real bad (at that time, it was a personal record for me as i didn't watch tv for 2 years. Besides, the world cup was really near) . So, i drank vitagen everyday, not almost, it was EVERYDAY. i drank like 3 vitagens, at most 5 a day for 3 months. it was stupid. but i did it. so at the end of the 3 months, before the contest's expiry date, i posted the thick big envelope to the specified address.
waiting for the result was excruciating. i checked the mail box and the newspaper everyday. 2 months later, still no result. Damn, nothing. after 6 months also nothing. bodoh punyer vitagen. nak tipu pelanggan. i really wanted to sue them then, but i was broke. from buying so much vitagen laaa. who can afford lawyer after that? i never drink vitagen after that. eventhough when i visit my aunty's place, i saw a lot of em in the fridge? because my cousins just love to drink it. nope, no more vitagen for me. forever. it's just to show my protest against them. that's all.
after 3 months of excessive Vitagen drinking, i felt sick. so sick. seriously. if you know what vitagen suppose to do, it practicaly killed all the bacteria in my stomuch.. yeah, i was stupid and i learned my lesson. i never really enter any contest after that . i will never win anything, anyway. Sigh.
Vitagen overdosed
Reviewed by princessren
November 11, 2005
lain kali soh la member2 tulong minum sekali :P
masa tuh member takdek. tinggal sorang, tgk 1 episod of friend on my computer and reading newspaper everyday.. and main warcrafts, age of empire, 7 kingdom sampai dah tak tau aper nak buat. heheh
giler cilakak vitagen tuh ...
but my doctor said vitagen is crap ... its not wat they say it is ....
drink yakult la....30 biliion bullshit......bakteria....
what kind of bakteria...only the bullshit sciencetist know la...hahhhaaaa...
cursing d flavour....
hahhaaa..vitagen pon ok la...
mary..aku rasakan....baik kau beli jer tv 29 " tu ......tak payah nak tunggu menang...kau pon ade duit ma...kedekut pahit...la...hahhhahahahahhahahhaahhahahhahahahhhhahaa.......
hehe. dah ada lah tv. tuh masa dulu-dulu. miskin papa kedana. haha. yakult? hmmm. tak pernah rasalah. i'll never drink any of those after what happened. nope. no more.
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