bogok manah kroja akan doik manah masa saan odopkuk. sigh... sinok kuk ogik datik nog 11 onubulan. paguh geh. dapod man sidik sidik birang konu. kroja de nai kuk adin moh okuk doik puan siniek yak tood tiak. mungkin sebelum krismas. ish bosan manah pingidip nyek bih. doik hal. duit yak molot daang mingu depan. mungkin okuk odi cuti nitiliek. doik puan daki lagi pak misti oggi pasir duoh laut. yeahooooo....
* looks like i'm the only 1 who understand this at the moment. hehe... ;) *
catching up with friends over the weekend. didn't see them for so long. kinda miss them actually. so see you guys yeah. man, can't wait eating all the nice food and the good laughs and oh yeah, meeting all the cute cute, small hardones... haha.
oh and liverpool is playing tomorrow, against Manchester City at 10.55pm on ESPN. Thursday will be seeing Sunderland at 3.40am on Star Sports. sigh... takperlah. no need for me to wake up for this. for sure menang punyerlah.. hehe. bangga. ceh... if liverpool wins these 2 games, they will be in top 5. oklah tu... then i can sleep well at night.
do we have the chance to move above the Blues? i believe we can and we will... anyway, i luv buying theStar on Friday, mainly because of the StarSpecial which covers all the latest news in soccer and they are doing great job. keep me updated all the time. tq tq...
interesting article:
* looks like i'm the only 1 who understand this at the moment. hehe... ;) *
catching up with friends over the weekend. didn't see them for so long. kinda miss them actually. so see you guys yeah. man, can't wait eating all the nice food and the good laughs and oh yeah, meeting all the cute cute, small hardones... haha.
oh and liverpool is playing tomorrow, against Manchester City at 10.55pm on ESPN. Thursday will be seeing Sunderland at 3.40am on Star Sports. sigh... takperlah. no need for me to wake up for this. for sure menang punyerlah.. hehe. bangga. ceh... if liverpool wins these 2 games, they will be in top 5. oklah tu... then i can sleep well at night.

interesting article:
- Parry : We want to be world champions
I'm jes saying...
Reviewed by princessren
November 25, 2005
sramat nog nudu suok ingan di internet koih. Topat itih sukup ngin puan nudu ingan informasi. Koih arap ingan sukup sonang mo-on takal ingan mowah katik.
ceh nih mesti copy dari site mana ntah. ntah faham ke tidak. wei hang tipu laaa... hehe..
well lemme translate that 4 u:
welcome u all to our site. this place is enough to provide you with information. we hope that you're happy with your stay here.
something like that.. haha.. hampeh laa hang.. wakakaka
wakaka, try my version biatah2.1
ku' angan basa post mu andu ati'. Tawoh sadi ku' di ofis. Sawo' dialect ta' doh samah pak tungang la ku' merti nisit2. Kemboi mun ati' ku' an goh nuris bediyoh di blog ku'.
hehe.. i understand laa mamat.. lil bit. oh u towoh yo? hehe.. kinda fun when ppl do not understand what u're writing. kinda like u're in ur own world.. which is cool... now i wish i can fly like peter pan... sigh...
oh pls do write some in ur blog too... imagine the ppl here reading it word by word. haha.. shud sounds funny, huh?
hmm, need to polish my kedah slang over the weekend.. hehe...
apa bahasa bugis yang kamu semua berbicara iniiii
hehe. jawa.. my language laaa. kan dah ajar ko dulu dulu... ko tak ingat yer.. sigh.. hehe
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