Friends come and go. If you're lucky, some of them will still keep in touch with you. Well, I'm proud to say that i still keep all of my friends, even from my primary school's days. ok. i even remember all my friend's names. For example, from the above picture, (from left, front) Jenny, Rosemary, Emily, Eveyln, who else, Winston, Kevin, Effendy. (from left, top) Liberd, Wahed, Nancy, Nickson, Carolyn, Margaret, Ng Li Chen, Anthony. hehe.. see.
So, if you know me, and you're my friend now or in my past, don't worry. I still remember you.
I met a friend at the 'Sure Heboh TV3' recently. He called up my name. i was like 200m away from him and he can even recognize me from that distance. Maybe it's the walk. still the same. sigh. hehe.
My Friend: Still remember me?
Me: Of course. But pls forgive me. I can't really recall your name. (the last time i met him was like 15 yrs ago)
My Friend: It's ...
Me: yeah oh yeah.. now i remember. how are you?
My Friend: i'm fine. how are things with you?
Me: so so laaa.. not much. u camner?
My Friend: yelaaaa.. i nih setakat spm jer.. kerja tak berapa
Me: Aiyoh don't say like that laaaa. our success in life bukan nyer depends sgt on our education actually. i pun bukan nyer stable sgt..
My Friend: u still look the same laaa
Me: iyer. byk org cakap pun. Bosan laa camni. Tak dek perubahan. hehe
My Friend: Eh .. pls do keep in touch ok
Me: Eh semestinyer..
oh.. so glad to see another friend. Along the path of friendship, there are some friends who lead me into trouble as well. But i always forgive this friends. I hope good things will happen to me soon. This year i manage to make few friends...mostly from YM. oklaaa.. and also keep in touch with old friends. so, i think, this life is not lonely after all.
We all take different paths in life, but no matter where we go, we take a little of each other everywhere. ~ Tim Mcgraw
Never forget your friends...
Reviewed by princessren
October 01, 2005
Is that Winston Gitir beside u? he is my frenz since he moving to gedong. we finiz our secondary schl at the same schl of agustus in miri.then heard nothing except he got mrd or smthng like that.
Hello. yeah that's winston all right but i donno his full name though. Yeah he got married and had a baby boy if i'm not mistaken. He works in Kuching now... the last time i saw him was 3 yrs ago...
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