Yesterday, i saw a disable person on a wheelchair in the lift. Actually, i saw him several times from a distance. I thought i would say hi whenever i see him. So this is my chance. I smiled at him and asked 'how is he?'. Politely he said he is fine. And then without thinking or is it just out of curiosity, i asked him "what happenned to you?". He said that he was involved in an accident. (i asked this because he was fine few years back. Always see him at the coffee shop watching football) When he reached his floor, we said our goodbyes. Just a brief conversation. Nothing much.
But it bothered me after that. Did i asked him the right question? it kills me if what i said would hurt his feelings. Oh man! First i asked "How are you?" what in God's name is that? The person is on a wheelchair lah. What do you expect. Sigh. Stupid me. The second question is sure damn none of my business. i do sure hope that he is okay though. At least i made a new friend, i think. But if i see him again, i would definitely say hi.
Did i ask the right question?
Reviewed by princessren
October 27, 2005
opismate aku is a disabled, both legs totally gone (sampai ke bontot), tangan sebelah je ada, lagi sebelah sampai ke siku...
aku tengok, whatever it is, kita kena treat dia mcm org biasa...takyah nak bagi2 jalan, takyah nak tolong bukak pintu, takyah nak buat anything (UNLESS dia mintak tolong)..sampaikan kitorang buat lawak pasal dia punya disabilites...sbb kitorang biasa buat lawak/kenakan org...so dia pon terkena lah...tapi dia OK je....(yg ni jgn la ko buat sembarang je..kalau tak mau kena bunuh)
hehe i know.. but he's ok. met him yesterday. ok jer.. so tak kene bunuh laa.. haha
The first question could have made his day. If anyone asked me how I was doing, I'd smile and say fine, unless I was sick or something. But he could be a sarcastic not-amused-by-anything kind of person, in which case his answer to 'how are you?' would be 'still disabled, notice the wheelchair, honey?'
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