Rants and rambles at 1:13 pm

Haiyo bosan nak mampos. Kalu i tulis nih pun saper laa yg baca pun.. malas laa nak promote this blog. Kalu org jumpa nasib laaa.. haha. nwayz .. argh where theStar.. ??? cish. my partner took it wif him. now i don't hv story to tell. ok besok laa i cerita.

erm.. pls sign the SPCA petition at www.spca.org.my .. pls.. pls help the animals. ok. we need at least 100,000 signatures.

korang mesti ingat kenapa laaa malas nyer minah nih nak update her blog. i promise i will write more tmrw, ok.
Rants and rambles at 1:13 pm Rants and rambles at 1:13 pm Reviewed by princessren on September 06, 2005 Rating: 5

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